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Rights of Disabled People

The vast majority of disabled people face barriers and discrimination that severly restrict them from normal participation in a society that caters more for able bodied individuals. Many are denied inclusion in general schooling systems, independent living or being employed, choose medical treatment, access justice, social protection, and vote, move freely, participate in cultural and sport activities or entering [...]


Sensory Disabilities, Deafness and Blindness

Blindness might be one of the most debilitating disabilities and visual problems can vary from one individual to another. These individuals can have different attitudes, personality’s skills and needs, but there are various ways to contribute to life and helping a blind person too. Always when dealing with a blind person, identify yourself clearly and when in a social [...]


Understanding Autism

A disability that includes characteristics across a very broad spectrum is autism and often you will not notice the individual’s disability. You could not identify this disability however it could be identified due to sensory problems, behaviour, social skills and communication or language. The fact that it is not physically recognized often present problems for the individual affected depending [...]


Understand Physical Disabilities

Physical disabilities can include many conditions and numerous causes. It is the inability to use body trunk, arms or legs effectively due to impairments, pain, stiffness, paralysis or loss of limbs. It could include accidents, age, disease or birth defect and it could also change daily. A physical disability like these could also contribute further to other disabilities like [...]


Helping Those with Language and Speech Disorders

Language and speech disorders are another form of disability that could occur at any age and be varied too. Unfortunately the individual will also be affected in regards to communication and interaction with others. This is because it interferes with an individual’s ability to make himself or herself be understood, expressing him or herself or to understand others. Disabilities [...]


Learning about Intellectual Disabilities

Even though there are several intellectual disabilities people can suffer from that prevent them from easy information retention, learning and communicating, we look at some prominent ones here. These disabilities are caused by environmental factors, illness health problems, birth and pregnancy problems and genetic conditions. An intellectual disability is usually defined by a below average IQ under 70, with [...]


Living Well with a Disability

It is no easy feat to adjust to life after health when faced with permanent disability. It is something most of us take for granted – our health. To sit and obsess about what was and what we lost make coping with your situation impossible. You have to focus and remember that you are in control of your life [...]


Make Health a Priority

Once you have a disability you absolutely need to look after your health which include stress management, plenty sleep, healthy diet and exercise. Stress management is a priority as it can make matters worse aside from the fact that it is also very hard on a body. Your diet is important and you want to eat to optimize vitality [...]


Coping Emotionally with Disabilities

Nobody would ever say that having a disability is easy, however accepting circumstances will teach you to cope. One of the first steps to acceptance is organizing yourself. If you look at areas like your lifestyle, body and room you will find that when that is organized you lower your stress levels and build confidence. Accepting help could probably [...]


Successful Personalities Living with Disabilities

Over the decades have we witnessed tremendously successful and inspiriting people living with some form of disability. These men and women stand out and achieve where other able bodied people fail. These individuals are inspirational and successful and we look at some here. Helen Keller – Deaf and Blind Helen Keller’s profession was activist and lecturer and was one of the [...]